8th International Master Course in Phlebology

Miejsce: Ryga (Łotwa)

Termin: 2013-10-25 - 2013-10-26

Organizator: Baltic Society of Phlebology

8th International Master Course in Phlebology - Sclerotherapy in Treatment of Venous Diseases for the Phlebologists, Surgeons and Vascular Surgeons i


Dear Colleagues and Friends,
On behalf of the Baltic Society of Phlebology, I have the honor to welcome you to Rigafor the 8th International Master Course of Phlebology. The theme of this event is – actualsclerotherapy techniques for treatment of venous diseases.This course is based on the most up to date knowledges gained from internationalconsensus conference that took place in Mainz last year. This consensus conference wasdedicated to developing the most recent guidlines for sclerotherapy, and was organizedby Eberhard Rabe (Germany), Past-President of the International Union of Phlebologyand Felizitas Pannier (Germany), Vice-President of the International Union of Phlebology,who took an active part as well. In the past few years they have made a significantcontribution to the events organized by the Baltic Society of Phlebology. Thus, it is mygreatest pleasure that the two of them are participating in this master course.I would also like to point out that Torsten Willenberg (Switzerland), is joining us aswell. In the recent years he has carried out an extensive scientific research in the fieldof sclerotherapy, making this an exquisite performance to await.This two-day workshop is designed for the phlebologists, surgeons and vascular surgeonsinterested in sclerotherapy of venous diseases.This is an opportunity to learn the most accurate and up-to-date techniques in sclerotherapyof venous diseases from the world leading physicians in vein care.Two-days workshop includes the latest techniques of sclerotherapy, as well as “tips andtricks” to treat vein problems successfully.The emphasis will be on smaller number of participants and more opportunities forquestions and discussions.I am looking forward to seeing you all during the 8th International Master Course inPhlebology and welcoming you to Riga.

Uldis Maurins MD, PhD

President of the Baltic Society of Phlebology

Szczegółowe informacje i program kursu na stronie Baltic Society of Phlebology  - kliknij aby otworzyć link

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