18 European Venous Course

Miejsce: Maastricht, Holandia

Termin: 2014-05-12 - 2014-05-14

Organizator: EM-TRAC Maastricht

Dear Colleagues,


I am proud to present to you the 
European Venous Training Center (EVTCbeing a dedicated training facility of the Cardiovascular Center Maastricht UMC (CVC Maastricht) imbedded in the European Medical Training Center (EM-TRAC).

We recognized that there is a great need for physicians, specialists, technicians and others interested in venous pathology to attend officially Certified courses. This is why we organized 
10 evidence-based courses granted with CME points to guaranty official European Accreditation and Certification.
Each 4-day course will start with one-day theory followed by 2 days intensive fulltime hands-on training and on the last day case-discussions, evaluation and certification.
In order to facilitate potential participants to attend the courses 2 of the 10 courses are scheduled directly before and after the EVC meeting from 12-14 May 2014 (

It would be a great pleasure to welcome you at these European Certified courses.

Best regards,

Cees H.A. Wittens

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