Thermal Tumescent or Non thermal Non-Tumescent methods of saphenous ablation?


Termin: 2022-03-30 - 2022-03-30

Organizator: European Venous Forum



Thermal Tumescent or Non thermal Non-Tumescent methods of saphenous ablation?


Szanowni Państwo


European Venous Forum zaprasza na ciekawy webinar poświecony nowoczesnym metodom ablacji żyły odpiszczelowej.

Obędzie się on w dniu 30 Marca br. (środa) o godz 18.30.

Webinar obejmuje wykłady i prezentacje przypadków klinicznych.

Udział w webinarze jest bezpłatny, ale wymagana jest wcześniejsza rejsteracja.



Ladies and Gentlemen,

On behalf of European Venous Forum and webinar organizers we would like to invite you to the very special virtual meeting dedicated to the modern endovenous treatment of saphenous vein incompetence.

In 2020 the New EVF Guidelines and in 2022 the document of the new ESVS Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Management of Chronic Venous Disease of the Lower Limbs were published. This webinar entitled “Thermal Tumescent or Non thermal Non-Tumescent methods of saphenous ablation in the light of the current guidelines” will be great opportunity to update the knowledge concerning the practical implementation of the thermal as well as non thermal ablation methods.

The international faculty as well as the European Venous Forum invite you to join us on 30th March to the two hour meeting with excellent lectures, discussions as well as clinical case presentations.

See you on 30th March 2022, 6.30 pm CET


Chairmen: Tomasz Urbanek and Erika Mendoza


Strona webinaru EVF Webinar – European Venous Forum



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