W dniu 14.03.2013 w trakcie 25 Jubileuszowej Międzynarodowej Konferencji PTF w Szklarskiej Porebie będziecie Państwo mogli wziąć udział w kursie Medical Paper Writing (Medical Writting and Publishing) dotyczacym pisania i przygotowaywania publikacji prac naukowych. Szkolenie prowadzone będzie przez ekspertów z Europejskiego Forum Żylnego (European Venous Forum). Zapraszamy na spotkanie z ekspertami, ciekawe wykłady i dyskusje.
Zapisy na kurs prosimy kierować na adres e-mail : kontakt@ptf.org.pl
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Płatność za kurs 100 zł - płatne na konto towarzystwa z dopiskiem - Kurs medical paper writing
Konto : PKO BP Oddział 4 w Warszawie, ul.Targowa 42, 03-733 Warszawa Nr.: 79 1020 1042 0000 8102 0190 3707
Noglegi : we własnym zakresie lub poprzez organizatora konferencji
Kurs odbędzie sie w głównej sali konferencyjnej hotelu Las na poziomie 0
Program kursu
Presenting and writing up your research and thesis
08.30 Registration and coffee
Chairmen: A. Nicolaides, A. Jawień, T. Urbanek
09.00 Introduction: Setting up the research. A. Nicolaides
09.30 Illustration matters. D. Simmonds
10.00 Giving a lecture. A.C. Chu (Video)
10.30 Copyright. B Oget-Chevret
11.30 Writing an abstract. G. Geroulakos
12.00 Presenting a scientific paper. A. Nicolaides
12.30 The publishers’ perspective.
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Writing a thesis. A Nicolaides
14.30Writing a scientific paper. G Geroulakos
15.00 Duty of the Referee –Editor point of view
15.30 Coffee/tea and completion of evaluation forms
16.00Editing a book. A. Nicolaides
16.30Plagiarism will not go undetected. A.McGregor (Video)
17.00 The process of writing. A Nicolaides
17.45Close of meeting
Professor Antony C. Chu
Professor and Consultant Dermatologist, Hammersmith Hospital, London
Mr George Geroulakos
Reader, Dept. of Vascular Surgery, Imperial College,
Consultant Surgeon, Ealing Hospital and NWLHs Trust, London
President, Section of Vascular Medicine, Royal Society of Medicine
Professor Joy Hinson
Dean for Postgraduate Studies, Barts and the
London School of Medicine and Dentistry,
Queen Mary University of London
Professor Alison McGregor
Academic Honest UG Panel, Faculty of Medicine,
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London
Dr Demitri Mikhailidis
Reader in Clinical Biochemistry, Royal Free Hospital,
Ms Melissa Morton
Senior Medical Editor, Springer Verlag
Professor Andrew Nicolaides
Emeritus Professor of Vascular Surgery, Imperial College of Science
Technology and Medicine, London;
Specialist Scientist, University of Cyprus; Consultant, Vascular Diseases;
Director, Vascular Screening and Diagnostic Centre, Nicosia, Cyprus;
Member, Society of Authors
Ms Kate Pool
Deputy General Secretary, The Society of Authors
Dr Stuart Rosen
Reader in Cardiology, Imperial College, London
Consultant Cardiologist, Ealing and Royal Brompton Hospitals, London
Mr Doig Simmonds
Past Head, Department of Illustrations, Hammersmith Hospital
Freelance medical illustrator & consultant on illustration matters
Mr Tim Morris
PhD Student and Statistician,
MRC Clinical Trials Unit,London
Ms Bigitte Oget-Chevret
Servier International